Enroll in Online Courses as a UAW-Ford Apprentice

UAW-Ford and Penn Foster have partnered to offer you the chance to complete many of your required apprenticeship courses online!

Learn Online for Increased Flexibility

UAW-Ford has partnered with Penn Foster to offer an online option for many of your required apprenticeship courses. With Penn Foster's online learning platform, you can access all coursework and exams on the go or from the comfort of your own home. To see which courses are available for your apprenticeship, simply click on the View Courses button for your trade below. Penn Foster will regularly update the trade-specific pages with new online courses as they are made available.

Apprenticeship Courses by Trade

Explore the online courses available to you in your Electrician apprenticeship, like Shop Arithmetic and Intermediate Algebra.

Explore the online courses available to you in your Industrial Truck Mechanic apprenticeship, like Shop Arithmetic and Intermediate Algebra.

Explore the online courses available to you in your Machine Repair apprenticeship, like Machine Tool Processes and Trigonometric Principles.

Explore the online courses available to you in your Metal Model apprenticeship, like Machine Tool Processes and Trigonometric Principles.

Explore the online courses available to you in your Millwright apprenticeship, like Intermediate Algebra and Geometric Principles

Explore the online courses available to you in your Plumber/Pipefitter apprenticeship, like Shop Arithmetic and Intermediate Algebra.

Explore the online courses available to you in your Tool & Die apprenticeship, like Intermediate Algebra and Introduction to CNC.

Explore the online courses available to you in your Toolmaker apprenticeship, like Machine Tool Processes and Introduction to CNC.

Explore the online courses available to you in your Welder apprenticeship, like Shop Arithmetic and Intermediate Algebra.

Penn Foster Online Learning Model

Easy Online Access
By enrolling in your trade courses through Penn Foster, you'll have the opportunity to complete your apprenticeship courses from the
comfort of your home.
Self-Paced Learning
Penn Foster's online, mobile-friendly learning experience makes it easy to learn from home or on the go, at a pace that works for YOU.
Top-Notch Support
Penn Foster will provide you with all of the resources you need to succeed, including pacing guides, on-demand academic support, and more!

Video Guides

Explore our video library to help navigate through your Penn Foster program.

Welcome Email and Portal Navigation

How to kickstart your Penn Foster program and gain access your Student Portal.

Exploring Learning Resources

Take a tour through the learning resources available to you through the Student Portal like pacing guides, contact information, program-specific academic resources, and a scheduler to make appointments with your instructor.

Final Exam Process

Discover how to access, take, and retake the final exam in your Penn Foster course.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a course?

You can view the courses available to you by clicking "View Courses" under your specific trade from the list above. On the following page, click "Apply Now" next to the course of your choice.

Can I enroll in more than one course at a time?

Yes, you may enroll in multiple courses at a time. However, you will need to fill out a new registration form for each course. Once you've applied and your LJAC approves you for enrollment, you will receive a welcome email with a different student ID for each class in which you are enrolled. You can also return to this site at any point to enroll in additional courses.

How will I know if I am approved?

Once the LJAC approves your application, a welcome email will be sent back to you so that you can begin your studies.

How long do I have to complete my course?

Courses will either have a limit of 8 or 12 weeks, depending on the specific course. Durations for each course can be found by clicking "View Courses" under your trade listed above, and then "Course Details" underneath each course on the following page. 

What kind of support will I receive during my course?

Upon enrollment, you will gain access to Penn Foster’s suite of world-class academic and motivational support resources, including:

  • Outreach from Penn Foster’s Student Success team ahead of the Proctored Exam for educational and technical prep
  • A recorded orientation webinar upon beginning your course

You can also reach out directly to Penn Foster’s support team at (800) 216-6664 or uawsupport@pennfoster.edu
should any issues arise.

Is there a phone number and email address I can contact for assistance?

Yes, you may reach out to (800) 216-6664 or email uawsupport@pennfoster.edu for assistance.

Will the Penn Foster platform automatically log me out after a certain period of time?

The system will automatically log you out after an hour of time spent idle. If you interact with the portal after and hour of idle time, you will simply need to log in again to continue.

I'm a returning student. Can I link new courses to my existing Penn Foster account?

Yes, you can! This is something you should do as soon as you get your new student ID in your welcome email. For a step-by-step guide on how to link your new student ID with your existing Penn Foster account, click here

Can I retake my exam?

Retaking a multiple-choice exam is optional. Students will be given two chances to pass each multiple-choice exam regardless of whether the first attempt resulted in a passing or failing grade. If the retake exam is submitted, the highest of the two scores will be accepted. Students have 30 days in which to retake an exam if they are within their study timeframe (expiration date). Please note that a subjective, written exam a retake is required if the first exam attempt is failed and not offered if first exam attempt is passed.

Can I retake my final exam if I fail?

Students are not required to retake their final exams. However, a make-up exam can be taken if a student would like to try for a higher grade. Students have 30 days in which to retake their final exam if they are within their study timeframe (expiration date). The highest score a student can obtain on a final exam retest is 70%.